just notes

Tag: brain-dump

  • valgrind – an example

  • virt-sparsify –inplace

    virt-sparsify –inplace

    https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/virtualization_deployment_and_administration_guide/virt-sparsify Use to make a qcow2 disk remove empty space Make sure the guest is compatible, and shutdown, if the disk is for a vm. Windows should be by default. Check with this command, in cmd or PowerShell: from https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Shrink_Qcow2_Disk_Files#Windows_Guest_Preparation in the host The above example is a disk formatted with ntfs/fat etc.. Other helpful…

  • bridge building

    upon the vlans that separate us

  • Quick lan scan

    Sometimes, you just loose track of what’s on the network. If you want to scan you lan, here’s a quick and dirty way (from a host with netcat installed. I’m using ubuntu’s BSD version ) (NOTE: Only do this on networks you own/are authorized to. You can get in trouble with this one) https://nmap.org/book/legal-issues.html https://www.isecom.org/research.html…